Gelio Orellana

Obituary of Gelio Enrique Orellana

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Gelio Enrique Orellana, de 71 años, de West Warwick, falleció pacíficamente rodeado de su familia el 20 de enero de 2025. Nació en Guatemala, hijo de el fallecido Ernesto Orellana Vargas y María Cleofás Arteaga De Orellana, y el amado esposo de Janeth Orellana. Gelio trabajó para University Club durante muchos años antes de jubilarse. Deja a sus 3 amados hijos: Sandra, David y Mildred. Bendecido con 8 nietos: Ethan, Adrian, Bella, Analiah, Anderson, Alyssandra, Esmeralda y Angel. Gelio fue el primogénito y deja 5 hermanas y 5 hermanos, 9 sobrinas y 13 sobrinos. A Gelio le encantaba salir a desayunar. Sus pasatiempos eran salir a ver el océano y hacer viajes a las montañas de New Hampshire. Gelio era un ave migratoria que disfrutaba de su jubilación todos los años en su amada ciudad natal en las montañas de Llano Verde. Él era un hombre fuerte de fe que proclamaba a Jesucristo como su Salvador y ahora la familia que él dirigió y crió seguirá llevando la antorcha proclamando el nombre sobre todo nombre JESÚS. En cuanto a mí y mi casa, serviremos al Señor.
Los servicios del difunto Gelio se llevarán a cabo el viernes 24 de enero de 2025, de 6 p. m. a 8 p. m., en Mount Pleasant Funeral and Cremation Service, 168 Academy Ave, Providence. Los futuros servicios se llevarán a cabo en Guatemala. Para obtener más información y condolencias, visite MOUNTPLEASANTFH.COM.


Gelio Enrique Orellana, 71, of West Warwick, passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on January 20, 2025. He was born in Guatemala, a son of the late Ernesto Orellana Vargas and Maria Cleofas Arteaga De Orellana, and the beloved husband of Janeth Orellana. Gelio worked for University Club for many years before his retirement. He leaves his 3 loving children: Sandra, David and Mildred. Blessed with 8 Grandchildren: Ethan, Adrian, Bella, Analiah, Anderson, Alyssandra, Esmeralda and Angel. Gelio was the first born and leaves behind 5 sisters and 5 brothers, 9 nieces and 13 nephews. Gelio loved dining out for Breakfast. His Hobbies were going out to view the Ocean and taking trips to the Mountains of New Hampshire. Gelio was a winter snowbird who enjoyed his retirement yearly in his beloved Hometown in the mountains of Llano Verde.He was a strong man of faith proclaiming Jesus Christ as his Savior and now the family that he led and raised will continue to carry the torch proclaiming the name above all names JESUS. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.The late Gelio's services will be held on Friday, January 24, 2025, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Mount Pleasant Funeral and Cremation Service, 168 Academy Ave, Providence. Future services will be held in Guatemala. For further information and condolences, please visit MOUNTPLEASANTFH.COM.

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We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Mount Pleasant Funeral & Cremation Service
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Gelio Orellana

In Loving Memory

Gelio Orellana

1953 - 2025

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Family and friends are coming together online to create a special keepsake. Every memory left on the online obituary will be automatically included in this book.
Services for Gelio Orellana
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